Forecasting Monthly Expenses Knowledge Base
JobCloser gives you full visibility and oversight of your expenses. Quickly and easily spot trends and track your daily spending by vendor, category, and much more
JobCloser gives you full visibility and oversight of your expenses. Quickly and easily spot trends and track your daily spending by vendor, category, and much more.
How To
When you create your JobCloser account, we auto create a handful of commonly used categories for your expenses. You can easily modify these or add more by doing the following:
- Navigate to "Expenses" on the menu under the inventory heading
- Click "Categories" in the top right
- Add / Edit / Delete you categories accordingly
When adding new expenses, simply click "Add New Expense" and select an existing vendor (or create a new one) and then enter the date, amount, and description of the charge.
We'll break down your expenses monthly and by the category for full visibility over your spending. If you spot anything you would like to add to the expenses module, please reach out to us with feedback!

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When setting up your inventory, simply assign a cost per unit (even per location if needed) and easily view the profitability from the job screen. See the screenshot for a complicated example with plants and labor